Terminating the 287(g) and ICE Detention Programs in Tulsa County

We continue to send a message to our county officials that we expect the process to be transparent and for accountability to matter, and to call for the Commissioners to use their power to end this program in our community. We recognize that the  Commissioners and the Sheriff all met with coalition members in our attempt to keep the dialogue open. 

ACTION and the End 287(g) Coalition have attended the Monday morning Board of County Commissioners meetings since May 13, when coalition members showed up in a powerful display of solidarity sending a resounding message to our County Commissioners and Sheriff that we are opposed to the 287g contract with ICE. We had 18 speakers and a packed room of over 60 supporters. Again on June 10, we submitted additional public comments in order to continue to build awareness of this issue, increase understanding of its impacts, and demonstrate support for rescinding the 287(g) agreement. We also called for true transparency of the costs of the program and the official process by which it can be extended or renewed.

Tulsa World Editorial: County officials need to listen to the public before agreeing to immigration contracts

Tulsa Voice: Erosion of trust: Confusion and conflict swirl around Tulsa County’s contract with ICE

Tulsa World: Commissioners get an earful on 287g; sheriff laments lack of 'peaceful conversation' as crowds gather in opposition and support

Fox News23

Tulsa Channel 2

May news reports

Tulsa World: 'Palpable fear': Community leaders speak out against sheriff's participation in ICE 287(g) program

Tulsa County Leaders Hear Protests Over ICE Detention Program  Audio version - story starts at :33

We learned after the May 13 meeting that the Sheriff had actually renewed the contract the Friday before. He did not mention this while we were assembled but instead chose to announce it to the media after the event. NewsOn6: New Deal Between Tulsa County Sheriff's Office And ICE

ACTION Policy Statement

          ACTION – Allied Communities of Tulsa Inspiring Our Neighborhoods — a coalition of congregations and other civic institutions working to make Tulsa a better place to live — calls on Tulsa County commissioners to end their partnership with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) by terminating their 287(g) contracts with the federal agency.

ACTION has discussed the programs with Sheriff Vic Regalado and Commissioners Keith, Peters, and Sallee; has reviewed publicly available information; has listened to stories of people in our community; and has concluded that our county would be safer and stronger financially if the 287(g) program was terminated.

ACTION calls for the county to leave immigration enforcement to the federal government and focus its resources on local matters. Time and money spent on immigration enforcement detract from the performance of the sheriff’s core law-enforcement duties. County-administered immigration enforcement does not advance local priorities because it often targets people who pose no threat to the public, and the criminal-justice system is capable of addressing serious threats without it. Also, immigration enforcement is expensive, and the federal government generally does not reimburse the full costs of local programs.

Community Organizations in Support of this Statement: New Sanctuary Network | Tulsa; The Social Justice Commission of Trinity Episcopal Church; YWCA Tulsa; Tulsa Immigrant Resource Network; 

Detailed statement including Public Safety, Unequal Treatment, Lost Economic Contribution, TCSO Protocol, and Financial Ramifications

287(g) Fact Sheet          LOS HECHOS


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